Appendix 3: Derivation of microbial treatment targets for enteric pathogens
The microbial treatment targets provided in Table 5.5 (Chapter 5 Section 5.4.3) have been calculated using published data and a best practice approach.
This appendix has been provided to demonstrate how these values were derived by the Water Quality Advisory Committee.
It is not an example of how to calculate site-specific values – this process must be done in consultation with a water professional and your local relevant health authority or drinking water regulator. This is because the calculations may need to be done differently depending on your catchment and the underlying assumptions that need to be made.
The flow chart provided in Figure A3.1 outlines the process used to derive the reduction values (LRVs) in Table 5.5. It also highlights the corresponding sections in the appendix where more information is available on each stage of the process.
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