8.5.2 New water treatment chemicals

NHMRC does not hold the mandate to approve or recommend new drinking water treatment chemicals in addition to those listed in Table 8.2. However, the Framework in the Guidelines provides guidance on the risk management principles that should be considered to demonstrate the safety (Section 3.4.5) and efficacy (Section 3.9) of chemicals to be used for the treatment of drinking water. The Framework also reinforces the need to consider the local factors such as source water quality and other treatment barriers in use when considering the utility of drinking water treatment chemicals. Health-based guideline values for specific chemicals are provided in the fact sheets in Part V.

As discussed in Section 2.4–2.5, application of the Framework will vary depending on the arrangements for water supply within each jurisdiction; for example, in some states, water supply is managed by one agency, whereas in other states it is managed locally by numerous water suppliers. Although the Guidelines are not intended to be applied as standards, it is recognised that some jurisdictions may choose to regulate the Guidelines through legislation or operating licences.

Chemical manufacturers, importers and water utilities wishing to use water treatment chemicals not listed in Table 8.2 are required to consult the relevant state or territory legislation, and liaise with the appropriate agencies. These agencies may include health departments, water resource departments, natural resource and environment departments, agriculture departments, local governments, planning authorities, and catchment water management boards. These agencies will take into consideration health, environmental, efficacy, and occupational health and safety issues.

A number of Commonwealth schemes have a role in chemical regulation. The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) formerly the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS), administered by the Department of Health, assesses new industrial chemicals prior to their manufacture or import into Australia and (on a priority basis) chemicals already in use in Australia. AICIS also maintains the Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals (AIIC). Industrial chemicals are chemicals that are not: therapeutic goods that are subject to regulation by the Therapeutic Goods Administration; food additives or chemicals in food for which standards are established by Food Standards Australia New Zealand; or pesticides and veterinary medicines that are subject to safety and efficacy assessment and registration by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.

New industrial chemicals (those not listed on AIIC), or chemicals listed on AIIC that are proposed to be used other than in accordance with conditions of use (if any) annotated on AIIC, must be assessed by AICIS.

Last updated


Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6 2011, v3.9

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