3.5.4 Corrective action

Summary of actions

  • Establish and document procedures for corrective action in response to non-conformance or consumer feedback.

  • Establish rapid communication systems to deal with unexpected events.

If the short-term evaluation of drinking water quality monitoring data indicates non-conformance with guideline values, microbial health-based targets or other requirements, an investigation should be initiated and, if necessary, corrective action taken as quickly as possible. Failure to take prompt and effective action may lead to the development of a more serious situation, which could require incident and emergency response protocols to be instituted. Corrective action could also be required in response to consumer feedback.

Corrective actions to restore operation of treatment barriers should be developed in consultation with the relevant health authority or drinking water regulator and other stakeholders. Other examples include:

  • disinfection of tanks;

  • flushing and maintenance of the distribution system;

  • temporary shutdown of a treatment plant if adequate storage is available;

  • increased booster or secondary disinfection;

  • enhanced filtration;

  • investigative or sanitary surveys of distribution systems.

Significant system failures that could pose a health risk or adversely affect water quality for an extended period require an immediate response and should also be reported to the relevant health authority or drinking water regulator (see Section 3.6).

Corrective actions should be documented, responsibilities and authorities clearly defined, and staff trained in appropriate procedures.

Section 10.2 provides further discussion on response to monitoring results that are outside specification.

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