3.7.1 Employee awareness and involvement
Summary of actions
Develop mechanisms and communication procedures to increase employees’ awareness of and participation in drinking water quality management.
An understanding of drinking water quality management is essential, to enable and motivate employees to make effective decisions. All employees of the drinking water supplier should be aware of:
the organisation’s drinking water quality policy;
characteristics of the water supply system and preventive strategies in place throughout the system;
the application of health-based targets;
regulatory and legislative requirements;
roles and responsibilities of employees and departments;
how their actions can impact on water quality and public health.
Mechanisms and communication procedures should be developed to ensure awareness of, and commitment to, drinking water quality management throughout the organisation. Methods to increase employee awareness can include employee education and induction programs, newsletters, guidelines, manuals, notice boards, seminars, briefings and meetings.
Employee participation and involvement in decision making is an important part of establishing the commitment necessary for the continuous improvement of drinking water quality management. Employees should be encouraged to participate in decisions that affect their jobs and areas of responsibility. Such participation provides a sense of ownership for decisions made and their implications. Open and positive communication is a foundation to creating a participatory culture, and employees should be encouraged to discuss issues and actions with management.
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