3.13 References

ARMCANZ, ANZECC (1998) Implementation Guidelines, Paper 3 National Water Quality Management Strategy, Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

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Hellard ME, Sinclair MI, Forbes AB, Fairley CK (2001). A randomized, blinded, controlled trial investigating the gastrointestinal health effects of drinking water quality. Environmental Health Perspectives, 109(8):773–8.

MacKenzie WR, Hoxie NJ, Proctor ME, Gradus MS, Blair KA, Peterson DE, Kazmierczak JJ, Addiss DG, Fox KR, Rose JB, David JP (1994). A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. The New England Journal of Medicine, 331(3):161-167.

O’Connor DR (2002a). Report of the Walkerton Inquiry, Part 1. The events of May 2000 and related issues. The Attorney General of Ontario, Toronto, The Walkerton Inquiry.

O’Connor DR (2002b). Report of the Walkerton Inquiry, Part 2. A strategy for safe drinking water. The Attorney General of Ontario, Toronto, The Walkerton Inquiry.

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Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6 2011, v3.9

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