1.2.1 Scope of the Guidelines

Drinking water is defined as water intended primarily for human consumption, either directly, as supplied from the tap, or indirectly, in beverages, ice or foods prepared with water. Drinking water is also used for other domestic purposes such as bathing and showering.

With the exception of bottled or packaged water, the Guidelines apply to any water intended for drinking irrespective of the source (municipal supplies, rainwater tanks, bores etc) or where it is consumed (the home, restaurants, camping areas, shops etc). Bottled water and packaged water are subject to the Food Standards Code (FSANZ 2011). The Guidelines do not address water used for specialised purposes such as renal dialysis and some industrial purposes where water of a higher quality than that specified in the Guidelines may be required.

Last updated


Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6 2011, v3.9

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