3.6.1 Communication
Summary of actions
Define communication protocols with the involvement of relevant agencies and prepare a contact list of key people, agencies and businesses.
Develop a public and media communications strategy.
Effective communication is vital in managing incidents and emergencies. Clearly defined protocols for both internal and external communications should be established in advance, with the involvement of relevant agencies, including health and other regulatory agencies. These protocols should include a contact list of key people, agencies and businesses, detailed notification forms, procedures for internal and external notification, and definitions of responsibilities and authorities. Contact lists should be regularly updated (e.g. six-monthly) to ensure they are accurate.
Maintaining consumer confidence and trust during and after an incident or emergency is essential, and this is largely determined by how incidents and emergencies are handled. A public and media communication strategy should be developed before any incident or emergency situation occurs. Draft public and media notifications should be prepared in advance and formatted for the target audience. An appropriately trained and authoritative contact should be designated to handle all communications in the event of an incident or emergency. All employees should be kept informed during any incident, because they provide informal points of contact for the community.
Consumers should be told when an incident has ended and be provided with information on the cause and actions taken to minimise future occurrences. This type of communication will help allay community concerns and restore confidence in the water supply. Interviews and surveys of a representative portion of the community are valuable for establishing consumer perceptions of events and how they were managed.
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